PAS Selangor kesal laporan Utusan Malaysia
PAS Selangor kesal dengan laporan mukadepan akhbar Utusan Malaysia bawah tajuk "PAS akui sukar tadbir Selangor bersama PKR,DAP" (bertarikh Sabtu, 6 Disember 2008) yang sesungguhnya tersasar dan menyeleweng samasekali dari kenyataan sebenar Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor, Dato' Dr Hasan Mohd Ali, di dalam sidang media PAS Selangor yang diadakan pada hari Jumaat 5 Disember, 2008.
Di dalam sidang media berkenaan Dato' Dr Hasan tidak pernah menyebut bahawa PAS menghadapi kesukaran untuk memperjuangkan serta mempertahankan hak orang Islam dan Melayu di Selangor sebagaimana yang dilaporkan oleh Utusan Malaysia. Malah beliau menegaskan dalam sidang media berkenaan bahawa PAS tidak terpinggir dan sebarang anggapan sebegitu tegas beliau sebenarnya dimanipulasi oleh Barisan Nasional untuk menggugat kerjasama baik antara PAS, DAP dan PKR di Selangor.
Dato' Dr Hasan juga tidak pernah menyebut bahawa kadang-kala PAS terpaksa melupakan matlamat perjuangan utama parti iaitu untuk menegakkan syiar Islam semata-mata kerana mahu mengambil hati PKR dan DAP sebagaimana dilaporkan oleh Utusan Malaysia. Malah yang sebenarnya beliau telah menggariskan dengan jelas bahawa PAS tidak pernah dan tidak akan bertolak-ansur dalam hal-hal berhubung Islam dan kepentingannya di Selangor.
PAS Selangor merasakan bahawa pihak Utusan Malaysia sangat tidak bertanggungjawab sehingga terlanjur mengeluarkan laporan yang sedemikian rupa yang mencerminkan rendahnya nilai profesionalisma di dalam akhbar berkenaan. PAS Selangor beranggapan laporan tersebut berunsur jahat kerana tidak ada mana-mana pihak dari media arus perdana yang turut hadir dalam sidang media berkenaan membuat laporan seperti itu di akhbar-akhbar mereka.
PAS Selangor ingin menasihatkan pihak Utusan Malaysia agar lebih berhati-hati dimasa-masa yang akan datang dan tidak lagi mengorbankan etika dan profesionalisma kewartawanan ketika membuat laporan sebagaimana yang berlaku ini. Dalam pada itu PAS Selangor akan terus mengadakan sidang media setiap dua minggu sekali bagi memberi peluang kepada rakyat Selangor dan seluruh masyarakat Malaysia mendapat maklumat terus darihal peranan dan perkembangan PAS Selangor di dalam kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat negeri ini.
Roslan Shahir bin Datuk Mohd Shahir
Ketua Penerangan PAS Negeri Selangor
Shah Alam
Ahad, 7 Disember 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Utusan putar belit kenyataan Presiden Pas
KUALA TERENGGANU, 3 Novemver (SK): Presiden Pas Abdul Hadi Awang melahirkan rasa kecewa dengan tindakan Utusan cuba memutar belit fakta tentang kenyataannya.
Kali ini berita yang dilaporkan oleh wartawannya, Zulkifli Mansor mungkin diubah oleh editor Mingguan Malaysia berhubung isu pelantikan pelantikan Low Siew Moi sebagai pemangku Pengurus Besar Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS).
Dalam laporan Mingguan Malaysia terbitan Utusan Melayu dipetik, Ahli Parlimen Marang itu tidak bersetuju dengan perlantikan bekas Timbalan Pengurus Korporat dan Akaun PKNS itu.
Laporan itu mendakwa Ahli Parlimen Marang itu berkata, sistem pentadbiran Selangor sepatutnya diterajui oleh penduduk majoriti iaitu Melayu dan Islam.
“Sehubungan itu, beliau akan meminta penjelasan KeADILan Selangor berhubung pelantikan orang nombor dua PKNS itu,” lapor Mingguan Malaysia pada 2 November lalu.
Berita tersebut ditulis berpandukan sidang media yang diadakan selepas Abdul Hadi merasmikan majlis Ijtimak Kepimpinan Pas Terengganu di Kemaman sehari sebelumnya.
Seramai lima wartawan hadir di sidang media tersebut termasuk Zulkifli dan wartawan Sin Chew Daily, Lee Yong Sang.
Turut Hadir adalah Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Pas Terengganu, Wan Mutalib Wan Embong.
Hadi mahu perjelasan editor Utusan
Sementara itu, ketika dihubungi oleh Suara Keadilan, bekas Menteri Besar Terengganu itu mahu pihak Utusan memberi penjelasan kepada beliau dalam tempoh 24 jam.
“Jika tidak kami akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang ke atas akhbar terbabit,” kata Setiausaha Khasnya, Zaihan Mohd Daud.=======================================
(Berikut adalah transkrip tentang isu PKNS di sidang media tersebut)
Lee Yong Sang (LYS): Dato’ Seri boleh komen sikit tak itu, isu Low Siew Moi dilantik sebagai pemangku PKNS nampak (ada) bantahan dari PAS Selangor.
Abdul Hadi (AH): Saya baru balik daripada luar negara baru, (selama) sehari, tak dapat maklumat, dan saya memerlukan maklumat dari kawan-kawan Selangor, tak boleh beri komen.
LYS: Pasal dia kata (mem)bantah sebab bukan Melayu.
AH: Iya. Saya kena dengar dari Selangor dulu.
Wan Mutalib (WM): Pelantikan tu (hanya) pemangku.
LYS: Pemangku.
WM: It is acting, so, its not a final decision.
AH: Kalau pemangku itu boleh.
LYS : Maknanya kalau pemangku itu boleh terimalah ke macamana?
AH: Saya kena dengar keputusan Selangor dulu.
LYS: Sama dengan isu pemansuhan saham 30% Bumiputera, dapat tentangan dari PAS juga, So macamana?
AH: Itu juga saya mesti dapat penjelasan dari Selangor, kita tunggu, (saya) baru balik dari luar negara, tak pergi lagi (ke) pejabat di Kuala Lumpur.
LYS: Dato’ Seri beri komen secara amlah, kalau seseorang itu tidak diterima sebab dia bukan Islam, (untuk) dilantikkan jawatan ini kalau disebabkan dia bukan Islam, apa alasan akan diberikan.
AH: Sekarang, semua pihak menerima sama ada KeADILan ataupun DAP, teras pemerintahan dan pentadbiran Negara mestilah orang Melayu Islam, sudah diterima, dalam masa yang sama tidak menafikan peranan semua kaum yang ada dalam negara ini, (dan) itu asas umum.
Kali ini berita yang dilaporkan oleh wartawannya, Zulkifli Mansor mungkin diubah oleh editor Mingguan Malaysia berhubung isu pelantikan pelantikan Low Siew Moi sebagai pemangku Pengurus Besar Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS).
Dalam laporan Mingguan Malaysia terbitan Utusan Melayu dipetik, Ahli Parlimen Marang itu tidak bersetuju dengan perlantikan bekas Timbalan Pengurus Korporat dan Akaun PKNS itu.
Laporan itu mendakwa Ahli Parlimen Marang itu berkata, sistem pentadbiran Selangor sepatutnya diterajui oleh penduduk majoriti iaitu Melayu dan Islam.
“Sehubungan itu, beliau akan meminta penjelasan KeADILan Selangor berhubung pelantikan orang nombor dua PKNS itu,” lapor Mingguan Malaysia pada 2 November lalu.
Berita tersebut ditulis berpandukan sidang media yang diadakan selepas Abdul Hadi merasmikan majlis Ijtimak Kepimpinan Pas Terengganu di Kemaman sehari sebelumnya.
Seramai lima wartawan hadir di sidang media tersebut termasuk Zulkifli dan wartawan Sin Chew Daily, Lee Yong Sang.
Turut Hadir adalah Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Pas Terengganu, Wan Mutalib Wan Embong.
Hadi mahu perjelasan editor Utusan
Sementara itu, ketika dihubungi oleh Suara Keadilan, bekas Menteri Besar Terengganu itu mahu pihak Utusan memberi penjelasan kepada beliau dalam tempoh 24 jam.
“Jika tidak kami akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang ke atas akhbar terbabit,” kata Setiausaha Khasnya, Zaihan Mohd Daud.=======================================
(Berikut adalah transkrip tentang isu PKNS di sidang media tersebut)
Lee Yong Sang (LYS): Dato’ Seri boleh komen sikit tak itu, isu Low Siew Moi dilantik sebagai pemangku PKNS nampak (ada) bantahan dari PAS Selangor.
Abdul Hadi (AH): Saya baru balik daripada luar negara baru, (selama) sehari, tak dapat maklumat, dan saya memerlukan maklumat dari kawan-kawan Selangor, tak boleh beri komen.
LYS: Pasal dia kata (mem)bantah sebab bukan Melayu.
AH: Iya. Saya kena dengar dari Selangor dulu.
Wan Mutalib (WM): Pelantikan tu (hanya) pemangku.
LYS: Pemangku.
WM: It is acting, so, its not a final decision.
AH: Kalau pemangku itu boleh.
LYS : Maknanya kalau pemangku itu boleh terimalah ke macamana?
AH: Saya kena dengar keputusan Selangor dulu.
LYS: Sama dengan isu pemansuhan saham 30% Bumiputera, dapat tentangan dari PAS juga, So macamana?
AH: Itu juga saya mesti dapat penjelasan dari Selangor, kita tunggu, (saya) baru balik dari luar negara, tak pergi lagi (ke) pejabat di Kuala Lumpur.
LYS: Dato’ Seri beri komen secara amlah, kalau seseorang itu tidak diterima sebab dia bukan Islam, (untuk) dilantikkan jawatan ini kalau disebabkan dia bukan Islam, apa alasan akan diberikan.
AH: Sekarang, semua pihak menerima sama ada KeADILan ataupun DAP, teras pemerintahan dan pentadbiran Negara mestilah orang Melayu Islam, sudah diterima, dalam masa yang sama tidak menafikan peranan semua kaum yang ada dalam negara ini, (dan) itu asas umum.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Media dilarang siar isu Gani ganggu bukti kes Anwar
Media dilarang siar isu Gani ganggu bukti kes Anwar
Oct 8, 08 2:09pm
Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur hari ini mengeluarkan arahan kepada media agar tidak menerbitkan butiran dakwaan Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail mengganggu bukti dalam kes Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim 10 tahun lepas.
Hakim SM Komathy Suppiah mengarahkan sedemikian selepas meluluskan permohonan yang dikemukakan oleh ketua pihak pendakwa Datuk Yusof Zainal Abiden selepas penghujahan peguam bekas timbalan perdana menteri, Sulaiman Abdullah.
Peguam itu sebelumnya menghujahkan dakwaan pembabitan Abdul Gani itu sewaktu membantah keputusan pihak pendakwa memindahkan kes liwat Anwar ke Mahkamah Tinggi.
Pihak pembela membantah sijil pemindahan kes itu yang ditandatangani oleh Abdul Gani, yang kini sedang disiasat oleh Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) berhubung dakwaan memalsukan bukti dalam kes Anwar sedekad lalu.
Komathy juga menangguhkan perkara itu esok untuk membolehkan Sulaiman meneruskan penghujahannya.
Oct 8, 08 2:09pm
Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur hari ini mengeluarkan arahan kepada media agar tidak menerbitkan butiran dakwaan Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail mengganggu bukti dalam kes Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim 10 tahun lepas.
Hakim SM Komathy Suppiah mengarahkan sedemikian selepas meluluskan permohonan yang dikemukakan oleh ketua pihak pendakwa Datuk Yusof Zainal Abiden selepas penghujahan peguam bekas timbalan perdana menteri, Sulaiman Abdullah.
Peguam itu sebelumnya menghujahkan dakwaan pembabitan Abdul Gani itu sewaktu membantah keputusan pihak pendakwa memindahkan kes liwat Anwar ke Mahkamah Tinggi.
Pihak pembela membantah sijil pemindahan kes itu yang ditandatangani oleh Abdul Gani, yang kini sedang disiasat oleh Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) berhubung dakwaan memalsukan bukti dalam kes Anwar sedekad lalu.
Komathy juga menangguhkan perkara itu esok untuk membolehkan Sulaiman meneruskan penghujahannya.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Authorities order ISPs to block access to Malaysia Today news website
Reporters Without Borders calls on the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to immediately rescind the order it issued on 26 August to TMNet, the country's biggest ISP, and to 20 other Malaysia ISPs to block access to the Malaysia Today news website (
"With the media subject to close government control, websites constitute one of the few areas of free speech in Malaysia," Reporters Without Borders said. "We remind the commission that under the rules of democracy, only a court should be able to censor a website. This order, which was not the result of any complaint brought before the courts, is not only questionable but also disproportionate, as it was issued because of comments posted on the site about the articles. We call for Malaysia Today to be unblocked at once."
The website has been notified that it is being blocked under section 263 of the Communications and Multimedia Act, which says an ISP must obey a written request from the commission "in the national interest." However, section 3 of the same law says: "Nothing in this act shall be construed as permitting the censorship of the Internet."
The government also undertook to "ensure that there is no Internet censorship" in the charter of the "Multimedia Super Corridor," a business consortium formed on the initiative of the ministry of communications with the aim of promoting new technologies. The government endorsed the charter in 1996.
Nazri Abdul Aziz, a minister with responsibility for justice, said in July 2007 that the government would not hesitate to use the Internal Security Act against online activists. Under the ISA, someone who is deemed to have threatened state security can be held without trial for two years.
Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin has created a "mirror" website at which Malaysia Today can still be accessed from within Malaysia. Its address is Aged 58 and known as "RPK," Raja Petra is the country's first online journalist to be charged under the 1948 Sedition Act. He was arrested on 6 May for linking a senior government official to the murder of a young woman. He was released on bail three days later and is due to appear in court on 10 September. He faces a possible three-year sentence for violating a Sedition Act provision that outlaws inciting "hatred, doubt or contempt" for any government leader or member.
"With the media subject to close government control, websites constitute one of the few areas of free speech in Malaysia," Reporters Without Borders said. "We remind the commission that under the rules of democracy, only a court should be able to censor a website. This order, which was not the result of any complaint brought before the courts, is not only questionable but also disproportionate, as it was issued because of comments posted on the site about the articles. We call for Malaysia Today to be unblocked at once."
The website has been notified that it is being blocked under section 263 of the Communications and Multimedia Act, which says an ISP must obey a written request from the commission "in the national interest." However, section 3 of the same law says: "Nothing in this act shall be construed as permitting the censorship of the Internet."
The government also undertook to "ensure that there is no Internet censorship" in the charter of the "Multimedia Super Corridor," a business consortium formed on the initiative of the ministry of communications with the aim of promoting new technologies. The government endorsed the charter in 1996.
Nazri Abdul Aziz, a minister with responsibility for justice, said in July 2007 that the government would not hesitate to use the Internal Security Act against online activists. Under the ISA, someone who is deemed to have threatened state security can be held without trial for two years.
Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin has created a "mirror" website at which Malaysia Today can still be accessed from within Malaysia. Its address is Aged 58 and known as "RPK," Raja Petra is the country's first online journalist to be charged under the 1948 Sedition Act. He was arrested on 6 May for linking a senior government official to the murder of a young woman. He was released on bail three days later and is due to appear in court on 10 September. He faces a possible three-year sentence for violating a Sedition Act provision that outlaws inciting "hatred, doubt or contempt" for any government leader or member.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Sumpah: Pemuda PAS nafi cabar Anwar
Jimadie Shah Othman | Aug 21, 08 3:37pm
kemaskini 5:07pm Ketua Pemuda PAS Selangor, Sallehen Mukhyi menafikan beliau mencabar calon PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bersumpah laknat seperti laporan sebuah akhbar hari ini.
"Saya tidak ada cabar (Anwar bersumpah)," katanya ketika diminta mengulas laporan Utusan Malaysia.
"Saya kata (kepada wartawan itu), terpulang kepada beliau (Anwar), itu hak beliau (untuk bersumpah atau sebaliknya).
"Tetapi perkara (bersumpah) itu tidak ada peruntukan syariah.
"Dalam kes ini, ada dua penyelesaian, pertama pengadu mesti mengemukakan saksi, dan kedua sama ada tertuduh itu mengaku.
"Oleh kerana Anwar tidak mengaku, penuduh perlu mengemukakan saksi," katanya.
Jimadie Shah Othman | Aug 21, 08 3:37pm
kemaskini 5:07pm Ketua Pemuda PAS Selangor, Sallehen Mukhyi menafikan beliau mencabar calon PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bersumpah laknat seperti laporan sebuah akhbar hari ini.
"Saya tidak ada cabar (Anwar bersumpah)," katanya ketika diminta mengulas laporan Utusan Malaysia.
"Saya kata (kepada wartawan itu), terpulang kepada beliau (Anwar), itu hak beliau (untuk bersumpah atau sebaliknya).
"Tetapi perkara (bersumpah) itu tidak ada peruntukan syariah.
"Dalam kes ini, ada dua penyelesaian, pertama pengadu mesti mengemukakan saksi, dan kedua sama ada tertuduh itu mengaku.
"Oleh kerana Anwar tidak mengaku, penuduh perlu mengemukakan saksi," katanya.
Friday, July 11, 2008
TV3 lakukan 'jenayah media', sebar fitnah
TV3 lakukan 'jenayah media', sebar fitnah
M Khaleel Kas
Sat | Jul 12, 08 | 8:15:56 am MYT
KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Julai (Hrkh) -Tindakan dan keghairahan media perdana di negara ini dalam menyiarkan berita-berita yang boleh memgambarkan keburukan pemimpin kerajaan negeri yang diperintah selain daripada Barisan Nasional (BN) amatlah dikesali.
Menurut Presiden Teras, Azmi Abdul Hamid dalam proses untuk memenuhi agenda memburukkan lawan politik BN , media perdana sangat ketara cuba menggambarkan pemerintahan Pakatan Rakyat juga turut menyalahgunakan wang rakyat untuk berbelanja mewah.
"Dalam keghairahan untuk mencari apa sahaja isu yang boleh memgambarkan keburukan pemimpin kerajaan negeri yang diperintah selain BN , didapati media perdana nampaknya tidak berhati-hati dalam memilih bahan berita.
"TV3 baru-baru ini telah melakukan 'jenayah media' yang turut melakukan fitnah sedangkan hanya beberapa hari sebelumnya media tersebut telah memaparkan secara khusus isu fitnah yang dikaitkan dengan politik Malaysia.
"Untuk kali pertama TV3 menyiarkan slot khas lengkapkan dengan bacaan ayat-ayat Al Quran yang mendedahkan fitnah yang menjadi gejala politik di negara ini,"jelasnya dalam satu kenyataan kepada Harakahdaily pagi ini.
Tambahnya lagi,"akan tetapi hal yang sama jugalah yang dilakukan bila sebuah klip gambar yang membayangkan MB Kedah dikatakan mengguna pesawat khas dalam suatu penerbangan baru-baru ini."
Katanya lagi, padahal yang sebenarnya seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Bernama , ia bukan seperti yang telah cuba digambarkan oleh TV3 dan ia dikatakan ialah sebuah penerbangan rombongan di raja Kedah untuk berlepas ke Brunei bagi mengundang Sultan Brunei hadir di sambutan jubli emas Sultan Kedah.
"Teras kesal kenapa budaya fitnah media ini diamalkan oleh TV3, bukankah dengan cara yang sangat gelojoh ini akan memburukkan lagi keadaan berpolitik di negara ini.
"Menfitnah dengan berita yang salah apatah lagi dengan membabitkan kelompok istana adalah gejala yang tidak dapat diterima oleh rakyat,"ujarnya yang kesal dengan kejadian tersebut.
Beliau juga menegaskan bahawa,ketelanjuran ini tidak boleh dibiarkan berlalu malah untuk tidak memangsakan pihak yang menjadi sasaran, permohonan maaf terbuka perlu dilakukan oleh media yang berkenaan.
"Teras mengesa TV3 jangan terlalu ghairah dengan menyertai dan terlibat dalam politik fitnah yang sering dituduh pihak lawan BN yang melakukannya.
"Pada pendapat Teras, amalan media yang tidak beretika dan tidak dikawal itulah yang menyebabkan budaya fitnah berleluasa di negara ini,"tegasnya. - mks. _
M Khaleel Kas
Sat | Jul 12, 08 | 8:15:56 am MYT
KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Julai (Hrkh) -Tindakan dan keghairahan media perdana di negara ini dalam menyiarkan berita-berita yang boleh memgambarkan keburukan pemimpin kerajaan negeri yang diperintah selain daripada Barisan Nasional (BN) amatlah dikesali.
Menurut Presiden Teras, Azmi Abdul Hamid dalam proses untuk memenuhi agenda memburukkan lawan politik BN , media perdana sangat ketara cuba menggambarkan pemerintahan Pakatan Rakyat juga turut menyalahgunakan wang rakyat untuk berbelanja mewah.
"Dalam keghairahan untuk mencari apa sahaja isu yang boleh memgambarkan keburukan pemimpin kerajaan negeri yang diperintah selain BN , didapati media perdana nampaknya tidak berhati-hati dalam memilih bahan berita.
"TV3 baru-baru ini telah melakukan 'jenayah media' yang turut melakukan fitnah sedangkan hanya beberapa hari sebelumnya media tersebut telah memaparkan secara khusus isu fitnah yang dikaitkan dengan politik Malaysia.
"Untuk kali pertama TV3 menyiarkan slot khas lengkapkan dengan bacaan ayat-ayat Al Quran yang mendedahkan fitnah yang menjadi gejala politik di negara ini,"jelasnya dalam satu kenyataan kepada Harakahdaily pagi ini.
Tambahnya lagi,"akan tetapi hal yang sama jugalah yang dilakukan bila sebuah klip gambar yang membayangkan MB Kedah dikatakan mengguna pesawat khas dalam suatu penerbangan baru-baru ini."
Katanya lagi, padahal yang sebenarnya seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Bernama , ia bukan seperti yang telah cuba digambarkan oleh TV3 dan ia dikatakan ialah sebuah penerbangan rombongan di raja Kedah untuk berlepas ke Brunei bagi mengundang Sultan Brunei hadir di sambutan jubli emas Sultan Kedah.
"Teras kesal kenapa budaya fitnah media ini diamalkan oleh TV3, bukankah dengan cara yang sangat gelojoh ini akan memburukkan lagi keadaan berpolitik di negara ini.
"Menfitnah dengan berita yang salah apatah lagi dengan membabitkan kelompok istana adalah gejala yang tidak dapat diterima oleh rakyat,"ujarnya yang kesal dengan kejadian tersebut.
Beliau juga menegaskan bahawa,ketelanjuran ini tidak boleh dibiarkan berlalu malah untuk tidak memangsakan pihak yang menjadi sasaran, permohonan maaf terbuka perlu dilakukan oleh media yang berkenaan.
"Teras mengesa TV3 jangan terlalu ghairah dengan menyertai dan terlibat dalam politik fitnah yang sering dituduh pihak lawan BN yang melakukannya.
"Pada pendapat Teras, amalan media yang tidak beretika dan tidak dikawal itulah yang menyebabkan budaya fitnah berleluasa di negara ini,"tegasnya. - mks. _
Thursday, June 19, 2008
MB Kedah bidas TV3 siar berita fitnah
20 June 2008
MB Kedah bidas TV3 siar berita fitnah
Izwan Abdul HalimThu Jun 19, 08 5:18:17 pm MYTALOR STAR, 19 Jun (Hrkh) - Kerajaan Negeri Kedah semalam melahirkan rasa kekesalan di atas laporan berita yang disiarkan oleh oleh TV3 kelmarin.
Berkata kepada media selepas mesyuarat mingguan Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan semalam, Menteri Besar Kedah, Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak menyatakan rasa kesal Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri terhadap fitnah yang dibuat oleh TV3 itu.
Sedangkan, menurut Ustaz Azizan, pihak Kerajaan Negeri telah memberi layanan yang baik dan menghormati semua media massa.
Oleh itu, beliau meminta media massa menghormati etika kewartawanan dan profesionalisme mereka.
"Kerana zaman kita zaman orang maju, orang bertamadun, jangan buat lagi kerja-kerja yang primitif, kerja-kerja yang tidak bertamadun.
"Kita bersedia menjawab apa-apa soalan dan bertanggung jawab dengan tindakan kita.
Kita sedia untuk dikritik, ditegur dan dianalisis tapi bukan fitnah yang tidak betul," ujarnya.
Buletin Utama TV3 malam kelmarin yang membuat liputan sempena 100 hari pemerintahan Kerajaan Negeri Kedah menyentuh mengenai perlantikan Pengarah Eksekutif Kumpulan Kulim Hi-Tech oleh kerajaan Negeri.
Dalam laporan itu, Buletin Utama menyifatkan perlantikan tersebut sebagai usaha mengetepikan Ketua Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Kulim Hi-Tech, Dato' Ahmad Shukri Tajuddin dan satu tindakan politik.
Menurut Ustaz Azizan, Kerajaan Negeri masih mengekalkan Dato' Ahmad Shukri sebagai Ketua Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Kulim Hi-Tech yang berfokus kepada urusan promosi Kulim Hi-Tech.
Oleh itu, memandangkan keperluan meningkatkan aktiviti ekonomi di Kulim Hi-Tech yang telah bertambah jumlah pelaburnya, maka Kerajaan Negeri melantik Pengarah Eksekutif Kumpulan yang akan memberi tumpuan kepada operasi.
"Lain kali kalau nak buat berita mai jumpa saya, jangan tanya orang tepi jalan. Be professional. Be smart reporters," kata Ustaz Azizan mengulas hal berkenaan. - mns
MB Kedah bidas TV3 siar berita fitnah
Izwan Abdul HalimThu Jun 19, 08 5:18:17 pm MYTALOR STAR, 19 Jun (Hrkh) - Kerajaan Negeri Kedah semalam melahirkan rasa kekesalan di atas laporan berita yang disiarkan oleh oleh TV3 kelmarin.
Berkata kepada media selepas mesyuarat mingguan Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan semalam, Menteri Besar Kedah, Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak menyatakan rasa kesal Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri terhadap fitnah yang dibuat oleh TV3 itu.
Sedangkan, menurut Ustaz Azizan, pihak Kerajaan Negeri telah memberi layanan yang baik dan menghormati semua media massa.
Oleh itu, beliau meminta media massa menghormati etika kewartawanan dan profesionalisme mereka.
"Kerana zaman kita zaman orang maju, orang bertamadun, jangan buat lagi kerja-kerja yang primitif, kerja-kerja yang tidak bertamadun.
"Kita bersedia menjawab apa-apa soalan dan bertanggung jawab dengan tindakan kita.
Kita sedia untuk dikritik, ditegur dan dianalisis tapi bukan fitnah yang tidak betul," ujarnya.
Buletin Utama TV3 malam kelmarin yang membuat liputan sempena 100 hari pemerintahan Kerajaan Negeri Kedah menyentuh mengenai perlantikan Pengarah Eksekutif Kumpulan Kulim Hi-Tech oleh kerajaan Negeri.
Dalam laporan itu, Buletin Utama menyifatkan perlantikan tersebut sebagai usaha mengetepikan Ketua Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Kulim Hi-Tech, Dato' Ahmad Shukri Tajuddin dan satu tindakan politik.
Menurut Ustaz Azizan, Kerajaan Negeri masih mengekalkan Dato' Ahmad Shukri sebagai Ketua Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Kulim Hi-Tech yang berfokus kepada urusan promosi Kulim Hi-Tech.
Oleh itu, memandangkan keperluan meningkatkan aktiviti ekonomi di Kulim Hi-Tech yang telah bertambah jumlah pelaburnya, maka Kerajaan Negeri melantik Pengarah Eksekutif Kumpulan yang akan memberi tumpuan kepada operasi.
"Lain kali kalau nak buat berita mai jumpa saya, jangan tanya orang tepi jalan. Be professional. Be smart reporters," kata Ustaz Azizan mengulas hal berkenaan. - mns
Thursday, May 15, 2008
5 MB Pakatan Rakyat ajak rakyat boikot akhbar Utusan
5 MB Pakatan Rakyat ajak rakyat boikot akhbar Utusan
Salmiyah Harun Thu May 15, 08 3:45:01 pm MYT
KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Mei (Hrkh) - Majlis Menteri-menteri Besar lima buah negeri yang ditadbir di bawah Pakatan Rakyat, menyeru rakyat supaya memboikot akhbar Utusan Malaysia dan Mingguan Malaysia. -->-->
Salah seorang ahli majlis, Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim berpendapat akhbar itu bersikap keterlaluan dan tidak profesional serta tidak adil, kerana terus memburuk-burukkan serta memutar-belit berita tentang pentadbiran negeri dan juga gabungan Pakatan Rakyat.
Khalid juga menegaskan akhbar terbabit membesar-besarkan isu untuk menimbulkan kemarahan rakyat terhadap pentabiran serta parti dan juga membakar api perkauman yang sempit.
Katanya, semua ahli majlis ini meminta semua jabatan dan institusi kerajaan di lima negeri di bawah pentadbiran Pakatan berhenti membeli akhbar tersebut dan juga berhenti memberikan iklan kepada mereka.
Justeru, ahli majlis ingin menyeru supaya semua pembaca Utusan Malaysia dan Mingguan Malaysia berhenti membeli akhbar tersebut serta-merta.
Sehubungan itu, katanya, para pemimpin parti-parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat kesal dan bimbang kerana kontroversi mengenai kuasa serta kedudukan
Raja-Raja dipolitikkan secara besar-besaran dan tidak bermaruah, terutama oleh media milik parti-parti dalam kerajaan BN Pusat dan sesetengah pemimpin Umno.
"Kami berpendirian tegas mendukung kedudukan Raja-Raja sebagai Raja ber-Perlembagaan, sebagaimana yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
Katanya, semua pihak harus menerima bahawa seseorang Menteri Besar mempunyai bidang kuasa untuk memindahkan mana-mana pegawai eksekutif di negerinya.
Namun, katanya, bagi jawatan yang berkaitan dengan Majlis Agama Negeri, Sultan sebagai Ketua Agama Negeri seharusnya dirujuk terlebih dahulu.
Justeru, Ahli Majlis Menteri-menteri Besar menegaskan pendirian yang dikemukakan oleh Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh adalah pandangan beliau dari perspektif undang-undang.
"Kami menerima penjelasan YB Karpal Singh bahawa beliau tidak bertujuan untuk menghina Sultan. Kami berharap semua pihak akan menerimanya juga dan berhenti segera dari menggembar-gemburkan isu ini sehingga boleh menimbulkan ketidakstabilan dan ketegangan kaum," kata Khalid. - mr
Salmiyah Harun Thu May 15, 08 3:45:01 pm MYT
KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Mei (Hrkh) - Majlis Menteri-menteri Besar lima buah negeri yang ditadbir di bawah Pakatan Rakyat, menyeru rakyat supaya memboikot akhbar Utusan Malaysia dan Mingguan Malaysia. -->-->
Salah seorang ahli majlis, Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim berpendapat akhbar itu bersikap keterlaluan dan tidak profesional serta tidak adil, kerana terus memburuk-burukkan serta memutar-belit berita tentang pentadbiran negeri dan juga gabungan Pakatan Rakyat.
Khalid juga menegaskan akhbar terbabit membesar-besarkan isu untuk menimbulkan kemarahan rakyat terhadap pentabiran serta parti dan juga membakar api perkauman yang sempit.
Katanya, semua ahli majlis ini meminta semua jabatan dan institusi kerajaan di lima negeri di bawah pentadbiran Pakatan berhenti membeli akhbar tersebut dan juga berhenti memberikan iklan kepada mereka.
Justeru, ahli majlis ingin menyeru supaya semua pembaca Utusan Malaysia dan Mingguan Malaysia berhenti membeli akhbar tersebut serta-merta.
Sehubungan itu, katanya, para pemimpin parti-parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat kesal dan bimbang kerana kontroversi mengenai kuasa serta kedudukan
Raja-Raja dipolitikkan secara besar-besaran dan tidak bermaruah, terutama oleh media milik parti-parti dalam kerajaan BN Pusat dan sesetengah pemimpin Umno.
"Kami berpendirian tegas mendukung kedudukan Raja-Raja sebagai Raja ber-Perlembagaan, sebagaimana yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
Katanya, semua pihak harus menerima bahawa seseorang Menteri Besar mempunyai bidang kuasa untuk memindahkan mana-mana pegawai eksekutif di negerinya.
Namun, katanya, bagi jawatan yang berkaitan dengan Majlis Agama Negeri, Sultan sebagai Ketua Agama Negeri seharusnya dirujuk terlebih dahulu.
Justeru, Ahli Majlis Menteri-menteri Besar menegaskan pendirian yang dikemukakan oleh Pengerusi DAP, Karpal Singh adalah pandangan beliau dari perspektif undang-undang.
"Kami menerima penjelasan YB Karpal Singh bahawa beliau tidak bertujuan untuk menghina Sultan. Kami berharap semua pihak akan menerimanya juga dan berhenti segera dari menggembar-gemburkan isu ini sehingga boleh menimbulkan ketidakstabilan dan ketegangan kaum," kata Khalid. - mr
Friday, May 2, 2008
The 4th estate has failed us? Politically-appointed editors to blame?

The 4th estate has failed us? Politically-appointed editors to blame?
The role of the mainstream media (MSM) came under heavy scrutiny at the Bloggers' Universe Malaysia 2008 held for the second year in a row at the Lake View Club, Subang.
Haris Ibrahim of People's Parliament says the 4th Estate has failed the people and called on Malaysians to reclaim the integrity of the profession.
Citizen Nades defended journalists and blamed politically-appointed Editors and draconian Press laws for the failure of a big chunk of the MSM in serving the people.
Zorro, Kee Tuan Chye, Jeyapelan Mahesan, and Desiderata, among others, spoke on the the issue.
Jeff Ooi took part in the conference via a pre-recorded video clip.
Steven Gan could not make it but BUM 2008 had Nades and RPK.
I spoke of what the National Alliance of Bloggers was up to the last one year and of my fear that the New Media, bloggers in particular, may one day entertain self-censorship as a compromise with advertisers and Government.
The 2pm-midnight event attracted some 200 bloggers, activists, journalists and politicians.
Desi and Zorro moderated the two sessions and they have both kindly agreed to plan for BUM 2009.
Syabas to Desi and Gang for another excellent party!
p.s. RTM, Bernama, the Star, Utusan, the (new!) Malay Mail and several other papers covered the event.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The mainstream media’s election debacle
The mainstream media’s election debacle (from Aliran)
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
How did the BN suffer such a huge setback when it controlled the mainstream media? Clearly, it seriously underestimated the reach that the internet made possible, says Wong Kok Keong.
The winds of change that blew out of GE2008 appears to indicate a willingness on the part of the rakyat to take a giant step forward, away from race-based politics. The peaceful political transition so far also signals the end of politics of fear based on the events of 13 May 1969. This watershed election caught the opposition by surprise and stunned the BN.
As the BN engages in some soul searching, it would do well for them to evaluate their media policy for the country since it is still in control of the federal government and eight states in the federation.
It is also an opportunity for mainstream journalists not happy with media restriction to step up and demand changes that will help make them more respected in the future as professionals interested in presenting news and views more objectively and fairly as opposed to acting merely as mouthpieces of the BN government.
Serious underestimation
So, what went wrong with the BN and the mainstream media? Quite clearly the BN seriously underestimated the alternative media of netizens in cyberspace. They did not have a proactive policy to engage netizens opposed to them. Instead, some BN leaders ridiculed, vilified, threatened and tried to create trouble for netizens.
Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin referred to them as goblok (or morons) and Umno youth leader Khairy Jamuluddin called them monkeys in the jungle that needed to be tamed.
Umno also apparently made use of “cybertroopers”, BN supporters who wrote to blogs inciting racially incendiary commentaries in order to get them into trouble with the law. A couple of days before nomination day on 24 February, Youth and Sports Minister Azalina Othman called bloggers cowards and warned that the BN government was monitoring them. All these BN attempts only backfired as netizens grew even more fed up with the BN’s arrogance. They became more entrenched or determined in slamming the BN or some of their leaders every chance they got.
The BN and their mainstream media were confident of massive support from the Malaysian hinterland, where internet penetration is still low. But that has proved to be a shaky idea. While Trengganu and Pahang still largely support the BN, Kelantan continues to elude them, suffering a bigger loss this time than in GE2004.
And Kedah has fallen to Pas this time around. The low internet penetration in Kedah and Kelantan did not work to the advantage of BN. Some suggested that many Kelantanese working in the Klang Valley were exposed to Pas message online and passed on the message to friends and relatives back in Kelantan via SMS. Many who returned to Kelantan to cast their votes must have also helped Pas secure a larger win this time around than in GE2004.
It was rather cynical of the BN to rely on the lack of internet penetration to win votes in the hinterland. Even the mainstream media were in tacit agreement with the mentality. It was as though the BN was happy to win votes from Malaysians kept in the dark by being fed only their propaganda through the mainstream media. But that has been shown to work only up to a point.
The BN largely ignored issues raised by the opposition online, leaving them unchallenged in the minds of many Malaysians. The BN also overlooked human creativity and the newer technologies of communication. Malaysians unhappy with mainstream media sought out information from the alternative media and used other channels to pass it on to others without access to the internet.
The BN’s underestimation of cyberspace was based on their belief that they could still count on the mainstream media to generate voter support. In their coverage of the run-up leading to polling day on 8 March, the mainstream media, as they had done in the past, were mainly focused or positive on BN while they marginalised or slammed the opposition.
And so, they omitted coverage of huge crowds turning up for ceramah held by DAP candidates in the Klang Valley and in Penang, and by Anwar Ibrahim almost all over Peninsular Malaysia. The crowd size for opposition ceramahs often dwarfed those for BN coalition parties. The mainstream media pushed the idea for the first time that large turnouts for ceramah did not translate into votes. But was that good justification for ignoring opposition ceramah?
A few days before polling day, the mainstream media gave the BN the full throttle in their criticism of Anwar. But that appeared to have backfired. The criticisms did not stop large crowds from turning up to his ceramahs. As many who showed up were Malays, there was speculation of a late swing of Malay votes for the opposition. All said, mainstream media coverage could be seen to have given BN a false sense of complacency or security.
Election night frustration
Public anger or frustration with the mainstream media probably peaked on the night of election returns. Although the mainstream media have a lot more resources and a much larger staff than Malaysiakini (which reportedly had only 35 staff), their election returns updates online and on radio and TV moved at a snail’s pace.
Commenting on reportage of election returns in The Star on 14 March, Wong Chun Wai said “the alternative media (like Malaysiakini) scored better as it did not have to worry too much about accuracy.” He added: “An example was the newsflash on the purported 14 unopened ballot boxes in Lembah Pantai (after Nurul Izzah was declared to have won over Sharizat), implying there would be rigging. The report turned out to be false.”
But then Malaysiakini’s report about the 14 unopened boxes was based on information given by a polling agent. And as soon as the polling agent made the correction about half an hour later, Malaysiakini immediately reported it. The polling agent was more to blame here than the online news portal.
The only inaccurate report by Malaysiakini was when it first reported that MIC deputy president Palanivel won the Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat by about 100 votes. It was given at 10:44 p.m. and was not corrected until 2:22 a.m. that PKR’s Zainal Abidin Ahmad actually won by 198 votes.
Having only one inaccuracy for the entire night of updates was quite a remarkable performance by Malaysiakini, which was the first to report on several major results such as the fall of Penang, Kedah, Perak and Selangor to the opposition. To top it off, they were the first to report on the BN losing its much coveted two-thirds majority in parliament by nailing down the exact number of parliamentary seats, 82, going to the opposition, a number that held up. The NST and The Star did not have reports on it until about two hours later.
Contrary to Wong Chun Wai’s claim, accuracy did not appear to be the only reason for the mainstream media’s delay in offering election returns updates. Consider The Star’s online treatment of Penang on the one hand and Perlis and Trengganu on the other.
After the outgoing Chief Minister Koh Tsu Koon graciously conceded his and the BN’s loss of Penang to the Opposition, followed immediately by incoming Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s news conference, the paper’s online update did not have anything on either. On the other hand, as soon as the BN took Perlis and Trengganu by just a simple majority of one-seat each, The Star online reported it right away. Could it be that Wong’s paper, together with the other mainstream media, was more concerned with not upsetting their political paymasters too much – in the same way they did not cover large opposition ceramah in the run-up to polling day?
Time for change
The mainstream media had quite clearly failed the BN because of the kind of media policy for the country that the BN government has had. By acting largely as their mouthpiece, or yes-men, the mainstream media ended up only reporting what the BN wanted to hear, making the ruling coalition lose touch with the grassroots, the rakyat.
It is time the BN government and the mainstream media treated the rakyat with more maturity and respect. This applies not just to urbanites but also those in the hinterland, given human creativity and the availability of new technologies of communication that are within reach. Challenge bad ideas with good ideas instead of banning them or making threats to people offering those ideas. When leaders in government use reason and persuasion to win arguments instead of resorting to arrogance, emotion and threats of censorship, it will go a long way in establishing credible democratic institutions and strengthening their role in creating a peaceful and stable Malaysia.
It is time the BN government dropped the many laws that have shackled media freedom and creativity to the point that the mainstream media had not really served them well while a ridiculous divide between the mainstream media and the alternative media is created.
Start by getting rid of the ISA, which has been used for punishing people with different or bad ideas, because when people and ideas are suppressed they usually end up festering underground.
End laws requiring licensing permits for the media to operate because they only result in politicising the media to serve ruling political interests at the expense of the rakyat.
On the other hand, have media regulation to ensure diversity in media ownership. This is to prevent monopolistic practices that have the impact of shrinking diversity of viewpoints and, again, ending up as yes-men for the ruling political party - which is what Media Prima is doing right now.
Accuracy, objectivity and fairness are cardinal principles of journalism. If journalists are interested in upholding them, they must be willing to report without fear or favour. And when they do it, they will help institutionalise the principles, which in turn will encourage others to follow, including those that might have been reckless with them in cyberspace.
GE 2008 indicates the rakyat are ready and willing to change, to move out of the usual race-based politics of the past half century. But this is just the beginning as much needs to be done to make it a reality. Everyone needs to play their part.
As the party that still controls the Federal government and most of the states in the federation, the BN has a particularly important role to play. The BN government needs to unshackle the media so that ideas about a new Malaysia can be freely, fairly and accurately made available for the new Malaysia to take root and flower.
Stay connected, current and committed to justice. We deliver the truth right to your doorstep every month for only RM30 a year -- which is far less than your newspaper bill each month. All you have to do is click here.
Justice was never won without personal sacrifice - whether measured in time volunteered, energy devoted to a cause, or financial support generously given. We need your support in our struggle for justice. Your contribution no matter how small will be like a droplet that builds up into a wave of change. Click here if you would like to contribute financially.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
How did the BN suffer such a huge setback when it controlled the mainstream media? Clearly, it seriously underestimated the reach that the internet made possible, says Wong Kok Keong.
The winds of change that blew out of GE2008 appears to indicate a willingness on the part of the rakyat to take a giant step forward, away from race-based politics. The peaceful political transition so far also signals the end of politics of fear based on the events of 13 May 1969. This watershed election caught the opposition by surprise and stunned the BN.
As the BN engages in some soul searching, it would do well for them to evaluate their media policy for the country since it is still in control of the federal government and eight states in the federation.
It is also an opportunity for mainstream journalists not happy with media restriction to step up and demand changes that will help make them more respected in the future as professionals interested in presenting news and views more objectively and fairly as opposed to acting merely as mouthpieces of the BN government.
Serious underestimation
So, what went wrong with the BN and the mainstream media? Quite clearly the BN seriously underestimated the alternative media of netizens in cyberspace. They did not have a proactive policy to engage netizens opposed to them. Instead, some BN leaders ridiculed, vilified, threatened and tried to create trouble for netizens.
Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin referred to them as goblok (or morons) and Umno youth leader Khairy Jamuluddin called them monkeys in the jungle that needed to be tamed.
Umno also apparently made use of “cybertroopers”, BN supporters who wrote to blogs inciting racially incendiary commentaries in order to get them into trouble with the law. A couple of days before nomination day on 24 February, Youth and Sports Minister Azalina Othman called bloggers cowards and warned that the BN government was monitoring them. All these BN attempts only backfired as netizens grew even more fed up with the BN’s arrogance. They became more entrenched or determined in slamming the BN or some of their leaders every chance they got.
The BN and their mainstream media were confident of massive support from the Malaysian hinterland, where internet penetration is still low. But that has proved to be a shaky idea. While Trengganu and Pahang still largely support the BN, Kelantan continues to elude them, suffering a bigger loss this time than in GE2004.
And Kedah has fallen to Pas this time around. The low internet penetration in Kedah and Kelantan did not work to the advantage of BN. Some suggested that many Kelantanese working in the Klang Valley were exposed to Pas message online and passed on the message to friends and relatives back in Kelantan via SMS. Many who returned to Kelantan to cast their votes must have also helped Pas secure a larger win this time around than in GE2004.
It was rather cynical of the BN to rely on the lack of internet penetration to win votes in the hinterland. Even the mainstream media were in tacit agreement with the mentality. It was as though the BN was happy to win votes from Malaysians kept in the dark by being fed only their propaganda through the mainstream media. But that has been shown to work only up to a point.
The BN largely ignored issues raised by the opposition online, leaving them unchallenged in the minds of many Malaysians. The BN also overlooked human creativity and the newer technologies of communication. Malaysians unhappy with mainstream media sought out information from the alternative media and used other channels to pass it on to others without access to the internet.
The BN’s underestimation of cyberspace was based on their belief that they could still count on the mainstream media to generate voter support. In their coverage of the run-up leading to polling day on 8 March, the mainstream media, as they had done in the past, were mainly focused or positive on BN while they marginalised or slammed the opposition.
And so, they omitted coverage of huge crowds turning up for ceramah held by DAP candidates in the Klang Valley and in Penang, and by Anwar Ibrahim almost all over Peninsular Malaysia. The crowd size for opposition ceramahs often dwarfed those for BN coalition parties. The mainstream media pushed the idea for the first time that large turnouts for ceramah did not translate into votes. But was that good justification for ignoring opposition ceramah?
A few days before polling day, the mainstream media gave the BN the full throttle in their criticism of Anwar. But that appeared to have backfired. The criticisms did not stop large crowds from turning up to his ceramahs. As many who showed up were Malays, there was speculation of a late swing of Malay votes for the opposition. All said, mainstream media coverage could be seen to have given BN a false sense of complacency or security.
Election night frustration
Public anger or frustration with the mainstream media probably peaked on the night of election returns. Although the mainstream media have a lot more resources and a much larger staff than Malaysiakini (which reportedly had only 35 staff), their election returns updates online and on radio and TV moved at a snail’s pace.
Commenting on reportage of election returns in The Star on 14 March, Wong Chun Wai said “the alternative media (like Malaysiakini) scored better as it did not have to worry too much about accuracy.” He added: “An example was the newsflash on the purported 14 unopened ballot boxes in Lembah Pantai (after Nurul Izzah was declared to have won over Sharizat), implying there would be rigging. The report turned out to be false.”
But then Malaysiakini’s report about the 14 unopened boxes was based on information given by a polling agent. And as soon as the polling agent made the correction about half an hour later, Malaysiakini immediately reported it. The polling agent was more to blame here than the online news portal.
The only inaccurate report by Malaysiakini was when it first reported that MIC deputy president Palanivel won the Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat by about 100 votes. It was given at 10:44 p.m. and was not corrected until 2:22 a.m. that PKR’s Zainal Abidin Ahmad actually won by 198 votes.
Having only one inaccuracy for the entire night of updates was quite a remarkable performance by Malaysiakini, which was the first to report on several major results such as the fall of Penang, Kedah, Perak and Selangor to the opposition. To top it off, they were the first to report on the BN losing its much coveted two-thirds majority in parliament by nailing down the exact number of parliamentary seats, 82, going to the opposition, a number that held up. The NST and The Star did not have reports on it until about two hours later.
Contrary to Wong Chun Wai’s claim, accuracy did not appear to be the only reason for the mainstream media’s delay in offering election returns updates. Consider The Star’s online treatment of Penang on the one hand and Perlis and Trengganu on the other.
After the outgoing Chief Minister Koh Tsu Koon graciously conceded his and the BN’s loss of Penang to the Opposition, followed immediately by incoming Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s news conference, the paper’s online update did not have anything on either. On the other hand, as soon as the BN took Perlis and Trengganu by just a simple majority of one-seat each, The Star online reported it right away. Could it be that Wong’s paper, together with the other mainstream media, was more concerned with not upsetting their political paymasters too much – in the same way they did not cover large opposition ceramah in the run-up to polling day?
Time for change
The mainstream media had quite clearly failed the BN because of the kind of media policy for the country that the BN government has had. By acting largely as their mouthpiece, or yes-men, the mainstream media ended up only reporting what the BN wanted to hear, making the ruling coalition lose touch with the grassroots, the rakyat.
It is time the BN government and the mainstream media treated the rakyat with more maturity and respect. This applies not just to urbanites but also those in the hinterland, given human creativity and the availability of new technologies of communication that are within reach. Challenge bad ideas with good ideas instead of banning them or making threats to people offering those ideas. When leaders in government use reason and persuasion to win arguments instead of resorting to arrogance, emotion and threats of censorship, it will go a long way in establishing credible democratic institutions and strengthening their role in creating a peaceful and stable Malaysia.
It is time the BN government dropped the many laws that have shackled media freedom and creativity to the point that the mainstream media had not really served them well while a ridiculous divide between the mainstream media and the alternative media is created.
Start by getting rid of the ISA, which has been used for punishing people with different or bad ideas, because when people and ideas are suppressed they usually end up festering underground.
End laws requiring licensing permits for the media to operate because they only result in politicising the media to serve ruling political interests at the expense of the rakyat.
On the other hand, have media regulation to ensure diversity in media ownership. This is to prevent monopolistic practices that have the impact of shrinking diversity of viewpoints and, again, ending up as yes-men for the ruling political party - which is what Media Prima is doing right now.
Accuracy, objectivity and fairness are cardinal principles of journalism. If journalists are interested in upholding them, they must be willing to report without fear or favour. And when they do it, they will help institutionalise the principles, which in turn will encourage others to follow, including those that might have been reckless with them in cyberspace.
GE 2008 indicates the rakyat are ready and willing to change, to move out of the usual race-based politics of the past half century. But this is just the beginning as much needs to be done to make it a reality. Everyone needs to play their part.
As the party that still controls the Federal government and most of the states in the federation, the BN has a particularly important role to play. The BN government needs to unshackle the media so that ideas about a new Malaysia can be freely, fairly and accurately made available for the new Malaysia to take root and flower.
Stay connected, current and committed to justice. We deliver the truth right to your doorstep every month for only RM30 a year -- which is far less than your newspaper bill each month. All you have to do is click here.
Justice was never won without personal sacrifice - whether measured in time volunteered, energy devoted to a cause, or financial support generously given. We need your support in our struggle for justice. Your contribution no matter how small will be like a droplet that builds up into a wave of change. Click here if you would like to contribute financially.
Media UMNO
Di Malaysia, media perdana, samaada media letronik (tv, radio) dan media cetak sudah menjadi media sampah kerana mereka dimiliki oleh puak UMNO yang jelas bukannya dari specis yang baik. Hasilnya pengurusan media tersebut dikuasai oleh kutu UMNO bererti mereka yang berakhlak rendah, pandai menipu, membelit dan berbohong. Adalah amalan biasa dalam media tersebut, kriteria pemilihan petugas-petugas yang paling penting adalah mereka yang paling jahat terutama mereka yang pandai membodek. Selain dari itu kutu yang paling bodoh yang hanya pandai mengangguk diberi tempat mentadbir kerana seperti biasa pimpinan UMNO tidak menyukai orang yang cerdik mengedalikan sesuatu organisasi.
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